Pickle my buds – Wild garlic


Spring brings with it the long awaited and incredibly well-hidden in a hide and seek fashion, wild garlic leaves, buds, and flowers. I have only recently become aware of wild garlic, possibly over the last 5 years or so and with each passing year I try and out-do myself with innovative recipes. This year I have infused pasta dough with the large verdant feather shaped leaves make some delicious tagliatelle, made the most incredible strong cheddar cheese and wild garlic leaf scones, and pickled the flower buds (before flowering) for a little aromatic pickled indulgent and used the blossom flowers to dress salads and vegetable fritters and frittatas.

My list could go on and on as wild garlic is certainly stronger in aroma in its naked uncooked form. For the short period of time that wild garlic is available you should try to forage a little responsibly when you have the chance, that said it can be a challenge to find. The pungent aroma alone would most certainly lead you to the wild garlic lottery in a local quiet woodland. The wild garlic season stretches from March through to mid May depending on location, weather, and climate.

Here is my incredibly simple bud pickle!

Pickled wild garlic buds.

  • 100g water
  • 100g cider vinegar
  • 100g granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp pink peppercorns
  • Wild garlic buds, with 10cm stems
  • Add the water, cider vinegar and granulated sugar into a small saucepan and warm until the sugar has full dissolved, continue to simmer for a further 2 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and add the pink peppercorns.
  • Cover the buds once the pickling mixture has cooled. Secure your sterilized jars and store for one to two months before tucking in.
  • Double the pickling mixture as required depending on how many jars you have available with buds to pickle.